Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Thursday, August 20, 2009

My friend Liz recently got a job as a baker in the kitchen of her local Earth Fare, and essentially wrote this strip for me when she messaged me saying "MY NEW JOB WORKING FOR HIPPIES HAS A 401(K). MY LIFE IS A CAT AND GIRL STRIP"

If you're unfamiliar with Cat and Girl, I suggest you go and read it here.

I'm getting a little better at this comic strip stuff, I think. I'm still trying to nail down a simple, repeatable style, and there are plenty of tools I still want to learn to use, but it's starting to feel a little more natural. The second panel was originally going to have a little more dialog, but in the end, the joke really sells itself. I do need to get better with confining my panels. Instinctively, I avoid it, but I realize that once I start working, things get sloppy without defined borders.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Well, I've moved to San Francisco during the worst state budget crisis, worst economic period, and worst job market there's been in years. But, at least I know I have some networking in the porn industry.