A derby comic, finally. This was an actual conversation on the track at practice with another referee. After this incident, I changed from the ball chain I had been using for my whistle to a lanyard I picked up at ALA Midwinter, so my whistle hangs lower and doesn't peg my nipple at every hairpin turn.
This is probably the last comic to be done in this format. I wanted to do a full series of comics in one journal, and at the time I really appreciated that they were on cheap, lined paper, which suits the name of the comic quite well, but I really want to work with better materials, and also just have a larger space to play with layout. This format is very constrictive to what I can do on a page. More to come once I have time (which is to say, after they give me my MLS degree on the 9th).
edit: Yes, I do wear hotpants and tights whenever I'm doing derby. Yes, this bothers some people. /edit.